
Archive for the ‘God’s Presence’ Category

Have you seen those grace-filled fingerprints? Perhaps at home in the joy of good-natured laughter around the family table, or one child helping another with his homework—unprompted, or unified celebration of all—for the success of one.

Perhaps you’ve seen God’s fingerprints outdoors in a landscape of incredible beauty and grandeur, or an up-close encounter with one of God’s creatures, or the expanse of a sunrise, sunset, or brilliant rainbow.

And especially at church, we see God’s fingerprints when an impassioned congregation sings their praise to him, a saint of God offers a heart-touching prayer, someone shares a personal story of divine, miraculous provision, or a scripture-reading fits perfectly our current circumstances.

No doubt, God’s grace is on display everywhere and always. It never wanes; it’s new every morning. And, as illustrated above, when we intentionally look, we see his fingerprints in the GRACE of place.

But God’s grace is not only evident around us. God has provided a place of GRACE within us as well.

  • Our God of grace hears—even before we speak (Isaiah 55:24).
  • Our God of grace leads—along the best and straightest path to himself (Psalm 16:11a) [1].
  • Our God of grace drives (propels)—gently but persistently—so we’re resilient, not fragile; strong, not weak; useful, not ineffectual (Ephesians 3:20).
  • Our God of grace lovingly and relentlessly draws us unto himself (Jeremiah 31:3).
  • Our God of grace changes us, progressively transforming us into his likeness with ever-increasing glory (2 Corinthians 3:18).
  • Our God of grace works in us so he can work through us—all to his and our mutual delight (Philippians 2:13).

He is a passionately dedicated, perfectly-intentioned, and supremely benevolent Heavenly Father!

Yet there is more. 

Our God enriches, enlightens, enables, and enraptures by:

  • blessing us—not with everything that pleases us—but with everything good for us [2]
  • bestowing the privilege of his presence—“so wonderful, quieting, soothing, calming, and warming” [3]
  • guiding us with supernatural wisdom as we avail ourselves with childlike trust
  • shaping our lives into what is useful and beautiful [4]
  • providing a haven within of comfort (Psalm 34:18) and strength (Psalm 59:16), refreshment (Acts 3:19) and joy (Psalm 4:7)

All good things are a result of God’s grace (Psalm 84:11)—in the GRACE of place all around us and in the place of GRACE within.

Where are you seeing God’s grace-filled fingerprints this day? Tell us about it in the comment section below!

[1] Dietrich Bonhoeffer

[2] King David mentions at least ten gifts in Psalm 103 alone.

[3] J. Danson Smith, quoted in Streams in the Desert, Jim Reimann, ed., 340.

[4] Eugene Peterson, Run with the Horses, 79.

Art & photo credits: http://www.openclipart.org & canva.com; http://www.pickpik.com; http://www.canva.com (2); http://www.creazilla.com (painting by Pieter Claesz).

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After the cold starkness of winter, spring gleefully reawakens our senses with her: 

  • Effusion of colorful flowers
  • Scents of hyacinth, lilacs, and freshly-mowed grass
  • Symphony of bird song
  • Flavors of tender asparagus, luscious strawberries, and tart rhubarb
  • Textures of furry pussy willows, fuzzy moss, and silken magnolia petals

Praise God for our abilities to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch, allowing us to enjoy Spring in so many ways!

Even better, those abilities allow us to meet God in at least five ways.

Our five senses help us understand God more clearly.

Consider how the far-flung stars and planets speak of his power; the clever camouflage of lizard, fawn, and frog display his wisdom; the endless variety of colors, shapes, and textures prove his creativity; the instinctive parenting skills of adult animals demonstrate his goodness.

Our five senses help us experience God’s glory more profoundly.

  • We can see his power at work in the transformation of lives [1].
  • We can hear his wisdom in godly men and women, such as Thomas á Kempis or Corrie ten Boom (just two among millions!):
  • We can feel God’s loving touch through a hug that conveys compassion, a worship song that quickens the heart, or a landscape vista that gives us glory-goosebumps.
  • We can taste his goodness in all the variety of blessings we enjoy (Psalm 34:8).
  • We can smell the fragrance of his sweet presence (Psalm 45:6-8)—if we pay attention.

Our five senses help us connect with God more intimately in solitude.

Many people call it Quiet Time—moments they spend with God in scripture reading/study, prayer, perhaps journaling, and/or listening to peaceful worship music.

It’s in the quiet we begin to see important realities of the spiritual realm, hear God’s voice within our spirits providing wisdom and encouragement, feel his presence more palpably as we touch our knees to the floor in prayer, and again, smell the fragrance of his sweet presence as he meets us in our place of solitude.

   Our five senses help us worship God more intently in community.

Jerry Kerns [2]

Kerns would have us fully engaged–first to bless God’s heart and then to elevate the experience for us also.


  • See the majesty and splendor of God on his throne–in your imagination. This is who you are worshiping [3]!
  • Hear the music and join in with grateful, enthusiastic praise [4].
  • Feel the presence of God as you pray. Try placing your hands on your lap, palms up—open and empty, symbolic of humility and receptivity [5].
  • Taste the bread and wine/juice with prayerful gratitude. Jesus is our Bread of Life who satisfies our spiritual hunger, who shed his blood for us so we might one day enjoy heaven with him. May we never become desensitized to the magnitude of his sacrifice.
  • Smell the fragrance of God’s saints as they leave the perfume of kindness, uplift, and joy in their wake.

Our five senses help us live out our faith more joyfully.

When our heart’s desire is to serve God by serving others, we’ll aspire to live so people:

  • See the Light of Jesus in our choices, behavior, and attitudes (Matthew 5:14-15)
  • Hear us speak truth, wisdom, and encouragement (Proverbs 10:20-21)
  • Feel the love of God in our interactions with them (John 13:35)
  • Taste the flavorful salt of God’s divine grace within us (Matthew 5:13)
  • Smell the fragrance of Christ in our lives (2 Corinthians 2:15-16)

 And as we engage all five senses in these five ways, what will happen?

We’ll bring more glory to God and enjoy more fully the satisfying, abundant life his Son provides.

That sounds mighty good to me. You too?

[1] Stunning examples include Jake DeShazer (https://nancyaruegg.com/2016/08/18/a-miracle-of-forgiveness/), Johnny Hart (https://nancyaruegg.com/2018/08/09/johnny-and-jesus/), and Isobel Kuhn (https://nancyaruegg.com/2024/04/11/goodness-and-mercy-followed/).

[2] https://www.experiencingworship.com/articles/general/2001-7-great-quotes-on-worship.html

[3] See: https://nancyaruegg.com/2023/07/06/in-awe-of-gods-magnificence/

[4] See: https://nancyaruegg.com/2015/09/07/when-worship-loses-the-wonder/

[5] See: https://nancyaruegg.com/2015/03/23/the-ultimate-delight/

Art & photo credits: http://www.pixabay.com; http://www.pexels.com; http://www.goodfon.com; http://www.stockvault.net; http://www.canva.com; http://www.pickpik.com (2); http://www.heartlight.org.

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Most visitors to an art museum spend fifteen to thirty seconds looking at a painting, but art enthusiasts insist that’s not near long enough to fully enjoy each work.

Take for example da Vinci’s world-famous Mona Lisa. You’ve seen photographs; some of you may have viewed the original at the Louvre. Besides the model’s haunting expression, what makes this painting stand out from others?

First, note da Vinci’s use of shadow to give contour to the face and clothing. As a result, daVinci achieved more realism than other painters of his time.

Second, enlarge the image above and study da Vinci’s masterful attention to detail—the intricate gathers of the bodice, the graceful tendrils of her hair, the next-to-nothing veil.

Third, focus on the background. Mona Lisa appears to be sitting in front of a window with a lovely view of mountains, trees, and a lake. Da Vinci used a technique called foreshortening to condense the wide scene onto his narrow canvas.

Fourth, note the hazy atmosphere, created as da Vinci blurred the edges of his almost undetectable brushstrokes.

Of course, additional features also contribute to Mona Lisa’s magnificence. Yet even this short list makes clear: there’s more to the Mona Lisa than most of us realize.

And to know more makes us appreciate more and enjoy more. But such results require close observation through slow looking.

The same principle applies to God. To know God more will allow us to enjoy and appreciate him more.

But how do we observe closely Someone who’s invisible?

We begin with evidence of the Unseen. One example, his presence and character traits revealed in the events of our lives:

  • Caring protection from harm on numerous occasions
  • Generous provision of countless necessities, gifts, and blessings
  • Perfect wisdom, as certain desires of our hearts haven’t come true, recognized in hindsight
  • Unfailing faithfulness to see us through disappointment, difficulty, and uncertainty
  • Gracious goodness in every joyful moment, every delightful surprise. They all come from him.

Every day provides much evidence of his benevolent presence in the lives of each of his children. The more we look, the more we’ll find. And as each discovery is turned into praise our spirits fill with joy.

Another way to practice slow looking is to spend time in God’s presence, learning more about him through his Word.

It makes sense: “Delight in God cannot occur in an intellectual vacuum” [1].

“But I don’t know where to start!” someone might say.

The internet offers a variety of reading plans, and once a plan is in place, we apply the practice of slow looking as we read.

Writing the answers to such questions as these hones our observation skills:

  • What does this passage say about God and his character?
  • What truths does he teach?
  • What does God promise here that offers hope and encouragement?
  • Is there a prayer that applies to my life? (Write it out, perhaps in your own words, and personalize it.)
  • Has God included an example to follow or not follow [2]?

Slow looking through the act of writing also helps deepen our understanding and appreciation, expanding our capacity to enjoy God.

Another benefit? Taking joy in God and all his excellencies increases our strength to endure.

What moment of slow looking has led you to a recent discovery about God? Please share in the comment section below!

[1] Sam Storms, http://www.gracequotes.org

[2] Denise J. Hughes, Deeper Waters, 76.

Photo credits: http://www.pxhere.com; http://www.wikipedia.org; http://www.rawpixel.com; http://www.pexels.com; http://www.heartlight.org; unknown.

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More than likely you’ve never seen the item pictured above. At first glance, you might think it’s a noisemaker used in primitive worship ceremonies. Others might say it looks like a musical instrument or the paddle for some game.

In actuality, it’s a model of an ancient Aztec weapon, a macuahuitl (MAC-wah-wick).

Strange-looking, isn’t it?  How could a wooden paddle be deadly enough for warfare? The key lies in those black protrusions on the sides. They were made from obsidian and filed razor sharp, capable of creating gaping slash wounds.

Here’s another strange-looking weapon. They remind me of the jacks some of us played with as children. These are called caltrops, with each spike measuring 2 1/2-to-3 inches.

Caltrops were designed so that, when thrown on the ground, one point would always land facing up.

Spread hundreds of these around your camp at night, and protect your soldiers while they rest. Or hide them in the area before the opposing army approaches, and cause crippling injury to many men and beasts as they charge.

But why all this talk about ancient weapons?

In the spiritual battles of life, we too have at least two strange-but-effective weapons at our disposal.

At first glance, they might appear useless against our adversary Satan. But these weapons have the power to defeat his minions of discouragement, disappointment, envy, frustration, and more.

The first weapon is gratitude. Yes, just uncomplicated gratitude.

For example, consider each of the negative emotions named above and how gratitude might incapacitate them:

  • When discouraged by lack of recognition at work, I can be thankful God sees.
  • When dissatisfied with my paycheck, I can be thankful that God will provide.
  • When disappointed by my child’s behavior, I can be thankful for the life-lessons taught through consequences that will benefit him in the future.
  • When envious over the lovely new house of an acquaintance, I can be thankful for our low mortgage, friendly neighbors, and the memories that have turned our house into a home.
  • When frustrated by a day of one-step-forward-and-two-steps-back, I can thank God for the strength and patience to see me through [1].

And as we wield our weapon of gratitude we’ll discover: “The truly thankful person is a truly peaceful person” [2].

But how do we manufacture deep-down satisfaction when life is full of difficulty and stress?

Luci Swindoll suggests: “Consider who you are and be satisfied with that. Consider what you have and be satisfied with that. Consider what God is doing and be satisfied with that” [3].

One way to employ contentment is to meditate on one of the praise psalms, like Psalm 103 or 145. While reading each verse, consider what it says about who you are, what you have, and what God is doing. Brandish your discoveries in the face of the enemy of your soul.

Even one simple statement can generate a whole journal of responses. For example:

In this moment, consider:

  • What goodness do you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel (externally and internally)? Praise God for these gifts [4]
  • What recent events have brought you joy? Praise God for engineering those events.
  • Who has blessed you lately? Praise God for these people.
  • What are you looking forward to? What hopes do you have for the future? Praise God that, because of his unfailing love and faithfulness, we always have hope (Lamentations 3:21-23).
  • What evidence of God’s thrilling presence have you noted? Praise him for revealing himself in so many different ways [5].

Perhaps a thick fog of trouble makes it difficult to see much goodness. British writer and scholar Alexander Smellie (1857-1923) would have us affirm:

“The Lord knows what is best for me, and my surroundings are determined by Him. Wherever He places me, He does so to strengthen my faith and power, and to draw me into closer communion with Himself. And even if confined to a dungeon, my soul will prosper.”

Those are fighting words of contentment we can take into battle, my friends!

[1] Job 28:24; Philippians 4:19; Hebrews 12:11; Habakkuk 3:17-19; Philippians 4:13

[2] Lysa Terkheurst, Embraced, 256.

[3] Joy Breaks, 79.

[4] A previous post Mindfulness PLUS may prompt your thoughts.

[5] Another post Heart-to-Heart offers examples.

Photo credits: http://www.worldhistoryencyclopedia.org; http://www.picryl.com; http://www.heartlight.org; http://www.canva.org; http://www.pxhere.com.

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Three weeks ago we embarked upon a reflection of one of the most important songs in the history of the Christian faith: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.”

The lyrics beautifully weave together the Old and New Testaments, telling the story of our Messiah, “the chosen One”—who would come to deliver his people from the consequences of their sins and establish his kingdom forever [1].

Each verse helps us place our eyes on Jesus’ return by remembering his first coming and then expressing hope and yearning for his second coming [2].

As noted before, the unknown lyricist (from the eighth or ninth century) carefully based each stanza on scripture. You’ll find references for further reflection listed at the end of this post.

One fact not mentioned thus far: the poet constructed the Latin lyrics in the form of a seven-sentence acrostic. When the first letter of the second word of each sentence (the names of Jesus) are put together, they spell SARCORE.

Read that word backwards, and the letters form two words of sublime hope: Ero cras, which means, “I will be present tomorrow.”

Whatever the future may hold, our Emmanuel will see us through. What a faith-stirring surprise the lyricist created for us [3]!

Now let’s turn our attention to the last two verses [4].


I praise you, Lord Jesus, that just as the morning star shines brightly against the darkness of night, you are the glorious Light of the world, shining brightly against the darkness of evil [5].

Just as the morning star glows steadily without a flicker, you shine in our lives with unwavering faithfulness and love [6].

Just as the morning star is a promise of coming day, your light provides hope and assurance that you will come again, to usher in The Day of the Lord, when a new heaven and a new earth will be established and righteousness will dwell [7].

Finally, just as the morning star can guide those at sea, your light guides our way through life. “In your light we see light”—the light of wisdom and discernment [8].

Such truths do bring us comfort, dispelling shadowy thoughts and flooding our spirits with the light of your perfection.

I praise you, Lord Jesus, for turning the darkness of sin, anxiety, discouragement, and more, into the light of your forgiveness, peace, hope, and joy [9]!


I praise you, Lord Jesus, our King! How comforting to know that Someone all-wise and supremely gracious is the Ruler of all nations, all things [10].

Yet you are also a respecter of persons. You’ve bestowed upon us the gift of choice, the ability to determine our own way. And what have we accomplished? Our world is tainted by selfishness, pride, and contention [11].

How we need you, Lord Jesus! You are our only hope for our selfishness to be transformed into selflessness, pride into humility, and contention into unity.

So we boldly pray that every person on earth would come to faith in you [12].

Is that an unattainable dream? No, because you also are unwilling that anyone should perish. And all things are possible with you, our sovereign God and Savior [13].

After all, you:

  • Created all things everywhere
  • Maintain order in the entire universe
  • Control the course of human history
  • Depose kings and raise up others
  • Exist in all places at the same time [14]

I praise you, Lord Jesus, that nothing can prevent you from accomplishing your purpose [15].

And I praise you, Lord Jesus, that you’ve given us the wherewithal to experience harmony with one another, as we demonstrate love and compassion with humility [16].

May we be examples to the world, whetting their appetite for what we experience: the joy of living in the presence of the King of Peace [17]!

[1] Ace Collins, Stories Behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas,127; Isaiah 59:20; John 1:40-49; Romans 6:23; Revelation 11:15.

[2] https://www.danielim.com/2017/12/19/the-hidden-theology-and-history-of-o-come-o-come-emmanuel/

[3] https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/o-come-o-come-emmanuel

[4] From www.hymnary.org. (Lyrics vary depending on source.)

[5] Revelation 22:16

[6] Psalm 100:5; John 8:12

[7] 2 Peter 3:12-13

[8] Psalm 36:9b; Ecclesiastes 2:13-14

[9] Psalm 18:28

[10] Revelation 19:16

[11] Proverbs 5:23

[12] 1 Timothy 2:1-4

[13] 2 Peter 3:9; Mark 10:27b

[14] Colossians 1:16-17; Daniel 2:21; Jeremiah 23:23-24 GNT

[15] Psalm 115:3

[16] 1 Peter 3:8

[17] Psalm 16:11

Photo credits: http://www.flickr.com; http://www.heartlight.org; http://www.stockvault.net; http://www.rawpixel.com; http://www.stockvault.net; http://www.canva.com; http://www.pickpik.com.

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Online dating services have proved: you don’t have to see a person to fall in love. Through heart-to-heart sharing over the internet, couples can become acquainted with the likes and dislikes of one another, their opinions on current issues, and what brings them satisfaction in life.

The format provides the opportunity to learn about who the other person is before finding out what he/she looks like.  (One site requires five contacts back and forth before names are exchanged–much less photos.)

It’s possible that couples in new online relationships grow to know one another better than couples who meet face-to-face, because they communicate more and at a deeper level. (Assuming they’re being honest, of course.)

Similarly, we can grow to know and love God through heart-to-heart sharing, even though we can’t see him.

For example, we might share such whisper-thoughts as these, when:

The view from our deck one September morning

  • Our attention is drawn to sunbeams on mist-draped foliage, and we turn the observation into praise for God’s creative handiwork
  • Someone grabs us in an exuberant hug, and we thank God for family and friends who provide encouragement and support
  • An unpleasant task is finished, and we praise him for the fortitude to see it through
  • Humor comes into our lives and we laugh in response, but also in gratitude to the God of all joy
  • We light quiet-time candles, reminding us the Light of the world is with us in our solitude

There is no sweeter manner of living in the world

than continuous communion with God.

Brother Lawrence (1611-1691)

But one-sided communication doesn’t build a relationship. Listening for God’s words and watching for his works are essential. How do we do that? God rarely speaks audibly or shows himself physically. No one has seen his face (1).

However, God does reveal his heart to us in a number of ways through:

The Bible 

No surprise there. Its pages offer a lifetime of new discoveries about who our God is and how he works in our lives. We hear God’s wisdom in his words; we see God’s love in his actions (2).

Other reading 

Although Christian writers often provide personal impressions from God, he sometimes speaks through secular works as well. Such moments often catch me off guard.

Recently I read Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones (1986). Among the many worthy morsels I wrote down, she said, “We walk through so many myths of each other and ourselves; we are so thankful when someone sees us for who we are and accepts us.”

O God, I thought, that describes YOU! You see more of my real self than anyone, yet you still accept me. How astounding that you, a perfect God, envelop me in absolute love–in spite of all my flaws.


What a heart-lift when others provide encouraging words, warm smiles, or comforting hugs–especially when we remember such good and perfect gifts come from God himself (3).


John Calvin once described the world of nature as God’s glorious theater. As we take note of his infinite genius on display, we learn of his ingenuity, attention-to-detail, and ability to bring together disparate parts into harmonious habitats.   Our hearts fill with wonder.


Sometimes I can almost feel God’s warm touch on my shoulder as he speaks comfort, strength, and joy through the power of song.

Notice: when God communicates with us, there’s a heart-reaction.  We experience a quickening in our spirits as we recognize his truth, sense his loving attention, receive guidance and empowerment, or know without a doubt he’s with us and has everything under control.


Keep your eyes open for God,

watch for his works;

be alert for signs of his presence.

Psalm 105:4 MSG

What a glorious way to live!


  1. Exodus 33:20
  2. Hebrews 1:2-3
  3. James 1:17
  4. See “The Power of Song” for more on this subject.

Photo credits: http://www.wallpaperflare.com; Nancy Ruegg; http://www.commons.wikipedia.org; http://www.pxhere.com; http://www.pxnio.com; http://www.pexels.com (Gustavo Fring).

This post revised and reblogged from 9-17-2015 while we enjoy the company of old friends.

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Some of you may know of the long-running PBS program with the same title as this post. Begun in 1987, it continues to provide seniors and those with physical limitations a way to exercise while seated in a chair.

Research has proven that participants experience better heart and vascular health, core and back strength, joint health, flexibility, posture, and balance. They also benefit from boosted energy, thinking skills, memory, and overall mental health [1].

Surprising, isn’t it, the number of benefits from chair exercises?

There’s another list of benefits we can enjoy–if we choose to sit in God’s presence.

A psalmist offers this lovely invitation:

Can you picture yourself seated at God’s feet, much as Mary sat at Jesus’ feet in Bethany [2]?

Imagine the love in his eyes as he gazes at each of us, the tenderness in his voice as he speaks, the gentle pressure of his hand on our shoulders as he expresses his affection.

And as we sit, he’d undoubtedly encourage us to participate in exercises for our spirits that will make us fit—trained and equipped to thrive [3].

What might such exercises include? These four offer a good place to start:

Bible Study and Meditation to Foster Strength

Soul strength doesn’t develop overnight any more than physical strength. Time spent in God’s Word is essential.

[Scripture] will not yield its astonishing riches except through diligence and sustained reflection [4].

Timothy Keller

But given our busy schedules, how do we pause long enough for sustained reflection? It may mean going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, reducing screen-time or limiting time spent reading for pleasure, but the results are supremely worth the small sacrifice.

We soon experience the soul strength to be gained from sitting with God and contemplating his Word–soul strength that equips us to better handle the everyday strains of life.

Worship (with Gratitude and Praise) for Improved Spiritual Health

Developing our gratitude-muscles fortifies our faith, refreshes our spirits, and adds vitality to life as we become attuned to God’s blessings all around us.

Praising God for who he is and what he’s done lifts our spirits and improves our mood. We soon find this exercise fostering encouragement, peace, and even pleasure within our hearts as we focus on him. (Praise music can be especially uplifting.)

Scripture Memorization to Enhance Endurance

The Bible creates endurance. Its promises lift the heart and its panoramic insights strengthen the will [5].

Timothy Keller

That endurance-factor increases when we commit meaningful passages to memory.

We can begin with just a phrase or single statement such as: “With God all things are possible” [6].

Speak it aloud in the shower or as you pull out of the driveway for work. While in the carpool line or running errands, quiet the noise around you with the sound of your voice saying His Word [7].

Sara Hagerty

Engaging the Imagination to Increase Heart Health

For example, imagine God as:

  • Your all-powerful King seated on his glorious throne, yet ready and willing to help you at any moment
  • Your constant Companion, accompanying you throughout the day
  • Your loving Shepherd, caring for your every need
  • Your heavenly Father, holding your right hand, protecting and guiding you [8]

Such visualizations will surely help us keep our balance as the day unfolds—even with its stresses, interruptions, and difficulties.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

You don’t need me to tell you: if a person chooses not to exercise, he can’t expect to be physically fit.

The same is true in the spiritual realm. If we forego such exercises as suggested above, we can’t expect to be spiritually fit.

On the other hand, great benefits await those who do choose to sit in God’s presence.

They will become strong.

And that’s a promise:

What exercise helps you sit and be fit in the spiritual realm? Please share in the comment section below!

[1] https://sunshinecentres.com/7-benefits-of-daily-seated-exercise/

[2] Luke 10:38-42

[3] Psalm 92:12-15 HCSB

[4] Timothy Keller and Cathy Keller, The Songs of Jesus, 320.

[5] Keller, The Songs of Jesus, 310.

[6] Matthew 19:26b

[7] Sara Hagerty, Unseen, 149.

[8] Revelation 4:1-11; Psalm 46:1-3; Psalm 145:18; Isaiah 40:11, 41:13.

Photo credits: http://www.pexels.com; http://www.canva.com; http://www.pxhere.com; http://www.pixexid.com (Ralph, AI Artist); http://www.canva.com; http://www.rawpixel.com; http://www.dir.es.

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Gunfire blasts and booming cannons surrounded Union Army Private, William Carney. His regiment’s objective: to capture Fort Wagner near Charleston, South, Carolina.

The 54th Regiment of Massachusetts at the Civil War battle for Ft. Wagner, July 18, 1863.

Jerking movement nearby caught Carney’s eye. The color guard had been shot. As the dying man fell, the U.S. flag he carried began billowing toward the ground. Carney scrambled to rescue the flag from desecration and took a bullet himself.

Carney continued to crawl toward the fort, holding the flag high and calling encouragement for his fellow soldiers to follow. He was hit at least three more times, but made it to the walls of Fort Wagner, planting the flag into the sandy soil and holding it upright “until his near-lifeless body was rescued” [1] .

Even then Carney refused to let go of the flag until he was returned to his regiment’s camp. His heroism that day inspired a vital victory for the Union Army.

W. H. Carney with the flag he carried that day.

Years later Carney explained his motivation for joining the Union cause: “I had a strong inclination to prepare myself for the ministry; but when the country called for all persons, I could best serve my God by serving my country and my oppressed brothers. The sequel is short – I enlisted for the war” [2] .

Yes, Carney had been an oppressed brother himself, born into slavery in 1840. But during the 1850s he arrived in Massachusetts, either through the Underground Railroad, or perhaps his father—already a freed slave—was able to purchase his son.

Either way, Carney began to enjoy the freedoms that Blacks of the South were denied—freedoms like traveling, assembling, learning to read and write, and receiving pay for work. He passionately desired other slaves to experience the same.

That God-given passion for his fellow man surely inspired Carney that day at Fort Wagner, to give the fight his all no matter what duty fell to him. And for his tenacity and courage, William Carney received the Medal of Honor in 1900. He was the first Black soldier to do so.

Someone might ask, how was William Carney able to stay so strong?

Undoubtedly his firm stance was the result of:

  • Strong attention toward his God
  • Strong determination to live by God’s ways
  • Strong faith in God’s promises, confident that whether he lived or died, all would be well

We too can stand firm in what we face by applying the same.

Strong attention toward God includes not allowing our emotions to control us. For example, sorrow, fear, and exhaustion will insist we can’t go on, but God tells us he gives strength to the weary and increases power for the weak [3] .

Strong attention toward God includes being in relationship with him, through prayer, Bible reading, worship, and more. We can’t expect to sense his peace and strengthening presence if we never spend time with him.

Security is not the absence of danger

but the presence of God

no matter what the danger.


Strong determination to follow God means choosing to live by his truth. Scripture is full of examples of men and women shaped by their faith and obedience in God, becoming as strong as steel: Huldah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Mary (Mother of Jesus), Peter, and Paul are among them.

We see such Bible heroes as extraordinary, but I’m sure they’d tell us they were just ordinary people who trusted in their extra-ordinary God.

Strong faith in God’s promises means we can hold on to hope with confidence and courage.

I wonder if scripture-promises echoed in William Carney’s mind as he held that flag high and emboldened his comrades–promises such as these?


  • “The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace” (Psalm 29:11).
  • “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect” (2 Samuel 22:30, 33).
  • “If I live, it will be for Christ, and if I die, I will gain even more.” (Philippians 1:21 CEV).

You and I may never fight in battle, but these same promises can echo in our minds as we confront such enemies of our souls as discouragement, anxiety, stress, guilt, and temptation.

Like William Carney WE can stand steadfast and strong [4] .

What helps you to stand strong? Please share your experience in the comment section!


[2] https://www.nps.gov/articles/william-h-carney.htm

[3] Isaiah 40:29

[4] 1 Corinthians 15:58

Photo credits: http://www.picryl.com (2); http://www.nypl.getarchive.net; http://www.dir.es/album/hiking-in-wales-2019; http://www.wallpaperflare.com.

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No matter how many sunrises a person might witness over a lifetime, who could tire of the majestic spectacle, with its mesmerizing shades of lavender, scarlet, apricot, and golden yellow—all aglow with the backlight of the sun, and each dawn different than all those before.

I’m filled with wonder as the morning sky begins to fill with light and “the heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship”[1].  He is the supreme Artist.

My favorite sunrise-displays are those when clouds are positioned just right to create magnificent gleaming rays reaching into infinity.

Perhaps God inspired the prophet Malachi with just such a sunrise as he wrote: “The Sun of Righteousness [our Messiah] will rise with healing in his wings for you people who fear my name”[2].

Wings refers to sunbeams, bringing to mind the unending healing of God’s forgiveness, available to all who put their trust in Jesus. He provides for us the dawning of a new day as we choose to move out of darkness and into his marvelous light [3].

Sunrise is also God’s daily reminder that his faithfulness is great and his mercies begin anew each morning . Perhaps he wanted us to understand that his faithfulness to us is as certain and consistent as the sunrise, yet full of surprise and creativity as well [4].

The dawn brings hope, reminding us that:

  • Just as the sun is bigger than any planet in our solar system, so God is bigger than any challenge we might face.
  • Just as the sun always shines whether in full view or behind clouds, God is always with us whether we sense his presence or not.
  • Just as the sun never fails to rise, so the Son will never fail to rise, bringing the light of his salvation, truth, and wisdom.
  • Yesterday’s disappointments and failures are past; a new day with fresh blessings and possibilities has dawned [5]!

In addition to hope, fresh joy comes with the morning light.

But to see the dawn and experience its pleasure, a person must look at the sunrise. If we’re going to see joy and experience its pleasure, we must look to the Son, the source of joy [6]. Then, each day becomes an opportunity to live in wild, blissful amazement of God.

When you do witness a glorious sunrise doesn’t it make you smile—if not on your face, then in your spirit? We can augment that joy with gratitude—not just for a breath-taking dawn, of course, but for all the beautiful, remarkable, and pleasurable things God generously bestows.

Author Roman Payne wrote in celebration of the sun: “O, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth!” And surely we’d agree, a golden sunrise especially proves his point.

But just such a sunrise might better serve as a reminder to celebrate the Son:

O SonLight, more precious than all the gold to be found on Earth!

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

I praise you, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for your light that is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! You are the source of all blessing, the brightness of our days, and our guiding Light to show the way. Without you, life is like twilight with dark night ahead. But with you, it is the dawn of morning with the light and warmth of a full day ahead.

(Psalm 84:11 PTP; James 1:19; 2 Samuel 22:29; Psalm 119:105;

last sentence based on Philip Schaff quote.)

[1] Psalm 19:1 NLT

[2] Malachi 4:2a

[3] 1 Peter 2:9

[4] Lamentations 3:23, and an idea inspired by Eugene Peterson, Run with the Horses, pp. 115-116.

[5] Philippians 4:13; Psalm 23:4; 27:1; 119:105, 130; Ecclesiastes 2:13

[6] John 15:11

Photo credits: http://www.pixabay.com; http://www.peakpix.com; http://www.canva.com (2); http://www.rawpixel.com.; http://www.peakpix.com.

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John and me–1964 (?)

The third and last home of my childhood, the one we moved to when I was ten, is of course the one I remember best. With no effort at all I can conjure up the kitchen and imagine Mom at the sink, peeling potatoes for dinner, while I cut up veggies or fruit for a salad.

I can see Dad in the basement, working on his current carpentry project, and my younger brother John puttering with the wood scraps.

Surrounding us all–thanks to the speakers Dad had installed in every room–was the sweet and serene instrumental music of a nightly radio program called “Candlelight and Silver”.

Such memories provide clarity for a statement made by author and pastor Alexander Maclaren:

The memories of those evenings at home (as seen through rose-tinted glasses, I admit) help me understand: dwelling in God’s presence doesn’t mean constant awareness of him, any more than my family was constantly aware of the radio music.

We were occupied with other things and conversing with one another, yet influenced nonetheless by the beautiful and soothing melodies in the background.

But it wasn’t just the music that contributed to those peaceful times. It was the atmosphere of love. Mom and Dad were clearly devoted to one another.

And though disagreements certainly occurred, I don’t remember a single quarrel.

Between them they created a stable, supportive environment in which my brother and I could flourish.

(Had the opposite been true, and their relationship contentious, not even sweet melodies coming from the radio could have dispelled the resulting atmosphere of anger and tension.)

Similarly, our Heavenly Father’s presence is like sweet music because of the atmosphere of love he continually provides. After all:

Think of it: the Most High God of the universe is not just near; he is here. In this moment. With you. With me.

And we have the privilege of knowing him.

But wait! There’s more, and it’s even more incredible: This King of kings actually wants to dwell with us. “I have loved you with an everlasting love,” he declares with compassion. “I have drawn you with unfailing kindness”. [1]

So how do we train ourselves to hear that undercurrent of sweet Song?

We can start with daily scripture-reading and prayer, as well as weaving moments of worship and praise into our routines, so there’s never a day we aren’t in contact with God [2].

And what will be the result? Troubles will be made bearable, joys will be brightened, and a peaceful calm will permeate the atmosphere—even in the midst of busyness.

It’s true: “Dwelling [in the sweet music of God’s constant presence] is a little piece of heaven on earth”—Stephanie Bryant [3].

*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

O Sovereign God! Thank you for singing over us your song of love, compassion, and faithfulness and gifting us with a little piece of heaven on earth.

Even when nothing else around us is good, the sweet music of your presence in the midst of deep pain is a good gift indeed [4].

And as we live in the undercurrent of your Song, may we learn to tune our hearts, our minds, our lives, to voice your melodies [5].

In the power of your name we pray, AMEN.

[1] Jeremiah 31:3

[2] See the previous blog post, Ten Ways to Keep Mindful of God.

[3] p. 367, A Moment to Breathe, Denise J. Hughes, ed.

[4] Aliza Lotta, Take Heart, p. 162, Grace P. Cho and Anna E. Rendell, ed.

[5] Douglas Kaine McKelvey, Every Moment Holy, p. 250.

Art & photo credits: Nancy Ruegg; wwwpublicdomainpictures.com (Sabine Sauermaul); http://www.canva.com; http://www.heartlight.org; http://www.flickr (Faye Mozingo); http://www.pxhere.com.

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